Maine Coast Heritage Trust, a statewide land conservation organization, is seeking input from the midcoast community to help shape the programming at its two farm preserves in the Camden-Rockport region: Aldermere Farm and Erickson Fields.
Aldermere Farm and Erickson Fields became preserves of MCHT in 1999 and 2009 respectively. Since then, MCHT has maintained the preserves as a working farms and educational centers, helping visitors deepen their appreciation for land conservation and sustainable agriculture. Over the past 20 years, programs have included youth halter-training calves, teens growing vegetables for food pantries, aspiring farmers learning how to manage cattle and vegetable operations, and families building raised beds in their backyards. The farm preserves have also served as community hubs where nonprofits and community groups hold events and workshops, school groups take fields trips, and visitors play and exercise.
This October, MCHT will host three online Community Listening Sessions (10/18 at 10 AM, 10/19 at noon, and 10/21 at 6 PM) to learn how the surrounding community utilizes Aldermere and Erickson Fields to inform decisions about programing and outreach. Anyone is welcome to participate and may register online at
Your voice matters!
We want to serve our Camden-Rockport community as best we can through our farm preserves—Aldermere Farm and Erickson Fields. And we want to hear from you! Will you give us one hour of your time to discuss the future of programing at these Maine Coast Heritage Trust preserves? There will be three opportunities to gather virtually. Pick a date and time that works for you. All are welcome to attend. We can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind! Question? Contact Joelle Albury at