Your business is invited to join the blockbuster K-12 Love/not Love Finding Our Voices exhibit in June!
Contact Patrisha McLean at to be one of the local businesses displaying a 20” x 30” poster in your street-facing window for the month, and be included in the exhibit guide. The 21 different posters that will paper our community in June feature art and poetry around the theme Love/not Love by students from Riley School, Sweetland School, Thomaston Public Library, South School after school program, the YMCAs, Landing Place, Hope School and CHRHS.
The establishments exhibiting this work include The Farnsworth Museum, Rock City and the Bagel Cafe.
Finding Our Voices is a nonprofit grassroots organization based in Camden that marshals the creativity of the community and the voices of survivors to break the silence, stigma and cycle of domestic abuse across the state. This project is part of the group’s healthy relationship- awareness outreach to young people, building on a 2022 initiative of its trademark survivor-powered posters in virtually every high school in Maine. For more information about Finding Our Voices visit