The Winter of ‘22 will be notable for the courses you take at Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Ed. Here’s an easy viewing tool: the pdf of the course catalog allows you to see everything offered. You can browse through it and/or register for upcoming classes via our website, Or call our office (207-596-7752 x3) Mondays through Thursdays, 9:30-5:00, to register over the phone. To avoid disappointment, register promptly to assure the class runs and you have a seat in it!
Google Drive begins Jan. 25th and runs live for 2 nights: Tuesday and Thursday, from 6-8PM Google Docs, Sheets and Slides are covered, along with sharing files and navigating the toolbar. Optimize your organization and communication, be nimble with spreadsheets; all topics to be confident about.
Stay safe on your computer: Cyber Safety runs live or via Zoom, Tues. Jan. 25th, from 6:30-8PM. Avoid becoming a victim to scammers by learning common scenarios and tricks used to successfully target you.
Keep your organization safe: our Ransomware Protection and Response class instructs on the latest ransomware prevention guidance. Class runs live or via Zoom on Tues. Feb 1st from 6:30-8PM.
Excel 2019-Basics & Intermediate is a 6-session course that follows the Intuit/Microsoft-approved spreadsheet training. Whether you’re new to spreadsheets or “rusty”, this course covers all the commonly used features of Excel. An eLab and eBook are required; info for ordering those are provided on registration. Class begins Feb. 1st and runs live or via Zoom for 6 Tuesdays from 6-8PM.
Intro to MuseScore begins Feb. 2nd, giving you the rest of the cold season to enjoy your own musical adventure. This software program is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux, and allows you to create, edit, and print basic music notation. Use provided templates, or create from scratch; play back your creations and share them. The class introduces different methods of musical notation, plus adds basic harmony and rhythm, a bit of music theory, and ways to swap out instruments and their sounds. The class meets live for 3 Wednesdays starting Feb. 2nd, from 5-6:30pm.
Stress no more about the state of your bookkeeping management. Using official Intuit-approved course material, our QuickBooks 2021-Basics & Intermediate course will help you navigate one of the most widely used accounting software applications for small businesses. The course runs live or via Zoom for 6 Thursdays from 6-8pm, starting Feb. 3rd. In addition to the course fee, you’ll need to purchase the eBook and eLab that accompanies the course. Call the Adult Ed office for details so you can order on time!
Life Like a River returns this winter for a single night of creative reflection with an eye for the future. Intended to be fun and relaxing, you’ll use simple art supplies to express what Covid, family and other influencers have meant to you recently. And show ways to renew as you move forward. No artistic talent is required. The class meets on Monday, Feb. 7th from 5:30-7:30pm, live or by Zoom.
One-on-one Zoom Tutoring is available by appointment, beginning Feb. 7th. Call the Adult Ed office to set up a time to meet with Shenley, between 4 and 7pm for a 1.5-hour session, Mondays through Thursdays.
John Fromer gets our gardening juices flowing with Blooms Through the Season. This 2-session class runs on Wednesdays from 6-8pm, starting Feb. 8th. With the midcoast growing season in mind, you’ll learn how to select, place, plant and nurture a garden of blooms for your needs, whether shady, sunny, rocky or a border. Good soil preparation and irrigation is covered. Attend live or via Zoom.
New from our photography instructor: Image Editing with iPad begins Feb. 9th. The class runs live for 6 sessions on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7pm. Use your iPad in ways you never expected, using free editing apps you’ll learn to manipulate photos to bring out their hidden beauty and strength. You’ll learn valuable shooting and cropping techniques
Tempted? Our team here at the school makes sure we have a safe and clean environment. And, we answer all manner of questions on our offerings, and hope to see you here at the south end of Rockland soon