The Board of Directors of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce has appointed Gordon Page of Owls Head to the role of Interim President & CEO. This appointment follows the recent announcement from Chamber President & CEO Tom Peaco that he will be leaving that post effective June 30 to become the President & CEO of the University of Maine Alumni Association.
Page will assume his part-time responsibilities immediately to provide some overlap before Peaco’s departure, and will serve until a permanent replacement is selected and begins work. The Chamber board has formed a CEO Search Committee which is already actively at work, and expects to formally post the position publicly soon.
Page has a long history of community leadership, and involvement with local Chambers. He is a past board member and board chair of the former Rockland-Thomaston Area Chamber of Commerce, and a past board member of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce. He was honored by the Chamber in 2019 as Community Person Of The Year. Page currently serves as Chair of the Owls Head Select Board. Professionally, Page has held executive level positions in the media, hospitality/tourism, and transportation industries, and retired from his role as Executive Director of Rockland Main Street, Inc. in 2020. Page says he is enjoying retirement, and while he is honored to serve the Chamber in this interim role, he has no interest in returning to full time employment and will not be a candidate to be Peaco’s successor.
The Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce serves as a primary business conduit for the Camden-Rockland Region, which encompasses 27 municipalities within and surrounding Knox County. The Chamber provides a variety of platforms and opportunities for over 750 business and non-profit members to promote themselves to residents and visitors to the region. To learn more, visit