Our two month Take Home Supper plan for July and August is a relatively simple one whereby our backyard drop-in center programming will continue to happen with expanded hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the summer, and, of course, we will continue to support additional youth and families with morale-boosting comfort food through our community outreach efforts, case management services, and transitional living program as well.
If your business or organization is able to sign up for any of the summertime Take Home Supper dates listed below, please be prepared to deliver food to feed somewhere between 30 and 40 individuals. Also, if you are interested in signing up for one or more of these summertime suppers, please contact Dori O’Neal at doneal@thelandingplaceme.org or (207) 691-6224. Dori has graciously agreed to be our future point person for all matters relating to our Take Home Supper program.
Our summertime calendar/menu for 2022:
July7/5 – Spaghetti or Mac-n-Cheese
7/7 – Pizza
7/12 – Tacos
7/19 – Spaghetti or Mac-n-Cheese
7/21 – Pizza
7/26 – Tacos
8/2 – Spaghetti or Mac-n-Cheese
8/9 – Tacos
8/11 – Pizza
8/16 – Spaghetti or Mac-n-Cheese
8/18 – Pizza
8/23 – Tacos
8/30 – Spaghetti or Mac-n-Cheese
We will be creating another 9-month Take Home Supper calendar for the 2022/2023 school year and will aim to share it with you all sometime around mid-August.
Thank you again for all of your above and beyond support of The Landing Place.