Happy New Year from the Youngtown Inn/Aster +Rose Restaurant! We hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday with family and friends.
Our family had some wonderful last minute guests. We had 10 linemen from MTV Solutions stay with us for the storm at Christmas. Since they were not able to be with their families for Christmas, we created our own new family of friends. We all came together (including our staff, their families, friends) and made a potluck for the crew workers and spent Christmas together. It was a memorable day and really makes you realize the true meaning of the holiday. And we thank them for the hard work, long hours, and sacrifices they make (not to mention the danger) to make sure we have our power on for heat during these cold winter months.
We also want to remind everyone that our restaurant, Aster + Rose, is open this winter, Wednesday-Saturday, at 5 PM, featuring separate dining room and bar menus – www.asterrosemaine.com – Call us for reservations 207-763-4290.