After more than three years, Camden Opera House’s Blue Café series will make a welcome return Friday night, March 10. Doors will open 7 p.m. for the free 7:30 p.m. performance in the downtown opera house’s intimate third floor listening room.
The Blue Café was a popular occasional weekend kickoff before the pandemic, last held on Valentine’s Day 2019. The performance space holds about 50 seats, with an adjacent lounge with 40 Paper cash bar to mingle in before and after. There is no admission or reservations, although donations to the sponsoring Community Arts Fund are welcomed.
Young dynamo Mavy Ho-Le will bring her eclectic electric violin talents to the Blue Café stage on March 10. Mavy Ho-Le is a professional violinist from Gorham. Although classically trained, she explores different genres of music, playing songs of jazz, dubstep, Latin and crossover, as well as rock. Ho-Le has performed at Maine’s Merrill Auditorium, Mayo Street Arts and Portland House of Music; and toured in Cancun. She currently attends Bates College, where she is majoring in neuroscience with a minor in music.
Entrance is via the opera house’s elevator lobby door at 29 Elm St.; take the ADA-compliant elevator up to the third floor, which has a wheelchair accessible restroom. The Blue Café is an opportunity for friends and neighbors to gather, enjoy a beverage and an hour of music. Next up in the series will be the operatically trained pop singer IVA, coming from Brooklyn, N.Y., with guitarist Geoff Bennington on April 7. For more information, visit
Photo credit: Jocelyn Lee