If you have who have limited space and time to garden, Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education has the course for you. Learn to ensure maximum harvests and healthy plants with techniques of dense planting. Square Foot Gardening, with instructor John Fromer runs two consecutive Thursdays, March 16 and 23. Learn more and register at https://midcoastadulted.maineadulted.org/course/square-foot-gardening/.
Students with some training in STICK or MIG welding will learn proper techniques for flat fillet welding with carbon steel using the GTAW process in TIG Welding with Calvin Morin. This 6-week course meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:15-8:15 pm, starting March 28. Register at https://midcoastadulted.maineadulted.org/course/tig-welding-march-2023/. MIG II Welding withdrew Webber meets Monday and Wednesdays from 4:30-7:30 pm, starting March 27. Learn more here: https://midcoastadulted.maineadulted.org/course/mig-ii-welding-advanced-march-2023/.
Also in March, Teresa Johnson offers QuickBooks 2021 – Advanced Applications. This 3-week course meets Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm, starting March 20. For more information and to sign up, go to https://midcoastadulted.maineadulted.org/course/quickbooks-2021-advanced-applications-march-2023/.
For more information about Mid-Coast School of technology Adult Education, call 207-596-7752ext. 3 Monday-Thursday from 10 am-4 pm.