Thanks to a wonderful outpouring of support, the Hood 35 LM has been voted Classic Boat’s Best New Powered Vessel!
The award was presented Tuesday evening, April 4, 2023, at a festive event hosted by Classic Boat at London’s Royal Thames Yacht Club. In attendance to receive the award were Drew and Mackenzie Lyman (and their daughters) of Lyman-Morse, together with the vessel’s owner, Rich Miner, and Raymarine General Manager, Gregoire Outters.
Together with this engaged owner and C.W. Hood Yachts, Lyman-Morse has created this unique vessel, where classically styled lines and traditional cold-molded construction fuse seamlessly with cutting-edge technology and performance.
Anna, Lyman-Morse’s 65′ sloop, won Classic Boat’s Spirit of Tradition category in 2019. Our Hood 57 LM was a close second in 2021. We’re so pleased to add the Hood 35 LM to the list of award-winning Lyman-Morse vessels.
Read about the additional winners and more about the event here.