On Thursday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m. the Camden Public Library will once again welcome art historian and educator Mallory Mortillaro for a Zoom presentation about thrilling art history discoveries.
Who doesn’t love learning about a priceless painting found in an attic? Or a sculpture sitting for decades in a public garden, only to be found out as an Italian treasure? After Mallory Mortillaro found herself in the middle of her own art history discovery when she uncovered the provenance of a Rodin sculpture sitting in a New Jersey town hall, she learned just how many times this has happened before.
This lecture explores the stories of several different important and valuable works of art that have been rediscovered in unexpected places. We will learn about each piece and artist, and how the piece got to be lost, and then found.
This event will take place on Zoom only and will NOT be recorded. To find the Zoom registration link, visit the “What’s Happening” adult events calendar at librarycamden.org *OR, FOR DIGITAL PUBLICATION, here is the Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Fq4cRKmKQzO8QwO4raUgLg
Mallory Mortillaro is an art historian and educator. She has ten years of teaching experience and has worked on various art research projects for museums and organizations in the New York metropolitan area. She studied at Drew University. Mallory resides in New Jersey with her husband.