The Sail Power and Steam Museum of Rockland has announced a Monday evening speaker and movie series it has dubbed “Museum Mondays” Monday evenings at 6:30 in the museum’s Wing on Wing building at 75 Mechanic Street.
“This is another way for us to live our mission of celebrating, honoring. experiencing, and telling the story of Maine’s maritime heritage,” explained Associate Director, Robin McIntosh. “We’re putting together an interesting, informative, and entertaining series and looking forward to sharing these evenings with area residents and visitors over the course of the summer.”
Held on the museum campus at 75 Mechanic Street in Rockland, the series began on July 10 with the documentary, “The Sunken Steamships of Moosehead Lake,” a collaborative event with the Penobscot Marine Museum and the Moosehead Maritime Museum.
Future events include:
July 17, “True Antarctic HERO: The History of a Maine Built National Science Foundation Research Vessel” For almost 20 years, this Maine built research vessel, Hero, lived up to her name, maintaining a lifeline to the National Science Foundation’s Palmer Station base in Antarctica. Join maritime historian and archeologist, Charles H. Lagerbom, researcher, teacher, and story teller as he brings a piece of her back to Maine and to the Sail, Power and Steam Museum, so her fascinating story can continue to be told.
July 24, “Captains Courageous” This made for television version of the classic story was filmed locally in 1977 aboard then local windjammers, Adventure and Roseway, the movie starred Ricardo Montalban and Karl Malden. Museum co-founder and board chair, Captain Jim Sharp was at the helm during filming. Join us for an evening of fun and popcorn as we dust off this vintage version of Kipling’s classic tail.
July 31, “Rockland Maine, A Maritime Heritage.” Premiering last year to a sold-out audience, this documentary by film maker Dale Schierholt tells the story of Rockland’s fascinating heritage on the shores of Penobscot Bay. The movie will be followed by a panel discussion including museum board member Richard Crossman, local historian John Bird, and Rockland business owner Richard Rockwell as they expand the discussion to Rockland’s past and future and their own connections to Rockland’s maritime heritage.
August 7, “Life Aboard a Whaling Ship” Feel the sea spray and hear the sailors’ sea chanteys as you follow the sailing adventures of 19th century whaling wife, Mary Chipman Lawrence. This theatrical performance by storyteller Anne Barrett is based on Lawrence’s real life journals aboard the whaling ship, Addison, as she traveled with her husband and daughter to the Pacific on a 3-year journey.
August 14: Museum Moments: A “montage” of short films that talk about exhibits or stories of items in the museum’s collection. Covering topics from the launching of Black Jack, the museum’s historic Friendship Sloop, to stories of the Rockland built Red Jacket ……
August 21: “Windjammers of Penobscot Bay” a film by award winning filmmaker, Dan Lambert. Beautiful photography and interviews with captains and crews of many of Midcoast’s classic windjammer help to tell the story of these magnificent vessels. We’ll be joined by Lambert, captains and crew, after the movie to talk about their own experiences.
August 28: Maine to Cape Horn: The Most Dangerous Journey in the World” Local historian Charles Lagerbom traces the connections between Maine-built ships, crews, and captains with the deadly passage around South America.