Governor Janet T. Mills has become the 40th Maine survivor of domestic abuse on our groundbreaking banners and bookmarks, in a beautiful gift to Finding Our Voices and our state this holiday season. Gov. Mills amplifies what our other 39 Survivor Stars — including a doctor, nurses, prisoner, artists, business owners and aged 18 to 81– have been saying since we launched as an exhibit in the Camden Public Library three years ago Valentine’s Day:
- Domestic abuse is everywhere.
- It does happen to smart, successful women.
- It must stop.
- The shame is not ours. And the key to ending domestic abuse, and breaking the cycle in families, is talking about it.
Standing proud and speaking loud, we empower others to recognize, avoid, and safely leave and heal from what we went through, as well as educate the general community about the pervasiveness, insidiousness, and complexity of domestic abuse. We also provide sister-to-sister support. For more information, visit