From March 2 through March 30, the Rockport Public Library will feature a show of photography by author and photographer Charlie Costello. Costello has lived and worked in Japan and Thailand and has traveled extensively throughout Southeast Asia. His new book, Hanging out in Burma: Laundry Lines and Democracy Hanging in the Balance, is the culmination of three journeys that progressively deepened Costello’s appreciation of the beauty and warmth of its people and the plight of its democracy.
The art show will feature images from Burma (Myanmar), and Costello will present a narrated slideshow about his experiences on Wednesday, March 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the Rockport Room. Costello will also host a meet-and-greet at the library on Saturday, March 18, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
In his photography and writing Costello focuses on the uniqueness of each individual person and place. He strives to shine a light on the many reasons to protect plant, animal, and cultural diversity. Costello is a regenerative farmer, seed saver, and heirloom tomato grower with a strong interest in community building and re-invigorating the concepts of local and global villages.
Costello spent most of his life in the San Francisco Bay Area and now resides in Rockport, Maine. His photographs have been exhibited at the Berkeley Art Center, the David Brower Center, and the Tides Foundation. He holds a BA from Santa Clara University and an MA in Asian Studies from the University of San Francisco.