The Connecting Across Cultures “New Mainers” series with the Camden Public Library continues on Tuesday, December 6, at 6:30 pm. The public is invited to hear from Jennifer Sporzynski, Senior Vice President of Workforce and Business Development at Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), in an online presentation about immigration and Maine’s economy. Visit the “What’s Happening” adult events calendar at the Camden Public Library website to register and receive the Zoom link to attend, or follow this link (for digital publication):
Bolstering Maine’s economy requires intrepid entrepreneurs and people ready to work. Immigrants are part of the answer. In this program, Sporzynski will explain how foreign-born Mainers are adding to the vibrancy of the Pine Tree economy, where they can do more, what’s standing in the way, and how to boost their
CEI, headquartered in Brunswick, is one of the nation’s leading community development financial institutions. It helps to create good jobs, environmentally sustainable enterprises, and more broadly shared prosperity in Maine and rural regions throughout the U.S. This event is the latest in an occasional series from Connecting Across Cultures, a volunteer-based immigrant-support network that assists New Mainers in the midcoast area, with members located in Camden, Rockland, Rockport, and Thomaston. Find out more about Connecting Across Cultures and this online event at